Countering the Unpredictable Haze

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Like it or not, the haze crisis will likely persist into new year. And that means we should arm ourselves with a mask all time round to be haze-ready. For those living in the western part of Singapore, you might have experienced the most painful PSI reading of 400+ two days back.

Ever wonder why your mask is not helping in filtering the haze?

Sadly, the truth is you can't filter 100% of the particles in the air by wearing a mask.

The most popular mask (N95) can only filter at least 95% of the particles.

You can improve the percentage by using  EN-149: 2001 FFP3 that filters 99% of the particles.

However, these masks will not work efficiently if you do not get the correct fit. Meaning, having gaps forming between your face and the mask.

The first most common issue is the size of the mask. Do not think the getting a big mask will solve the issue. If the mask has a gap between you chin and the mask, you will probably be breathing in the particles sips in. The picture below was taken from MOH's video which teaches how to wear a mask. Notice there is not really any gap at the pointed arrow? Yes this will be a good fit. Touch your chin now and if you feel any gap, it's probably time to get another mask of a correct mask.

So after getting a mask with the right size, if you are still smelling the haze at an intense level, maybe you have to make sure that you pinch the metal strap properly to make sure the mask cover the gap running along your nose and cheek as much as possible.

For those who are wearing glasses, one easy way to check is to breathe out. If you see fogging of your glasses, it means you had not folded the metal strap correctly.

Lastly, if all the above had been tried and you are still smelling lots of smoke when mask-on, you may want to check on the rubber straps. They might be loose after prolong wearing or you have a small head size (some of you might find that the lower band is always loose).

Simply tighten the strap by tying the knots like below:

Now, you are ready to counter the haze. Share this and teach the kids too! They are the most vulnerable since most mask doesn't fit the kids and they usually have a smaller head size!

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