Air Con Accessories

Sunday, December 04, 2016

Yes it's time to get an air con soon and I believe everyone are concern with electrical bills when it comes to getting air con (as many ticks as possible).

Although savings on electrical bills are important, do also try to make sure that you are getting the right piping etc to minimise the problems that may come after using it for the next few years.

Those whom had experienced it will probably had regretted since the frustration, time and money (worse if it is chargeable) spent on getting them fixed is really a painful period for most of the complains I read online.

Here's a snap shot of the upgrades from a local chain retailer:

Basically, this picture tells me one thing, the upgrade options are available for a reason. What was recommended by a repair specialist whom I got the chance to speak to is that one needs to get a minimum 1/2 inch Class 1 Armaflex Insulation and that your drainage pipe must be 16mm instead of 13mm (less likely to face blockage by the "jellies"). A 22G copper pipe is also more preferred than 23G since it is "hardier" and thus longer life span. But a 23G is still okay. They are better than those 24 or 25 G ones.

And for the drainage pipe, it is recommended to have it insulated especially when the drain pipe is orientated horizontally.

If you are engaging a conscientious air con specialist, they should know what to do for you.

But if you are getting a "best price" air con, you will probably need to look into these stuffs before purchasing!

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