The interior we want for our home

Friday, August 14, 2015

Last 2 weeks were such a busy week for us! We don't even have the chance to think about what we want to blog. =( But anyway, Happy Birthday Singapore! Happy SG50! HAHA!

It is time to start sketching the design for our home and thinking about what we want for the house! Although our wedding comes first, but we are more excited about the house rather than the wedding. HAHA! Do you guys feel that way too?? :X
Today, I am going to share what kind of style we want for our home! But Firstly, I am going to show you the floor plan of our home. Our new coming house is located at Yishun Ring Rd, our BTO's project is Vine Grove. I personally like old neighborhood estate, but... we can't afford the prime area :(. So we thought Yishun Ring Rd might be a good choice.
4 Rooms Floor Plan

Above image is our 4 rooms flat floor plan, I guess most of the layout are similar to each other for many other new BTOs. There are 2 areas of the floor plan that are being circled in red which I find it wasted. Because nothing can be done there :( I really think the HDB layout during the 90s were better compared to the recent years HDB layout. 

Below are the images of the style we would like to have for our home interior. I found the images through googling and realized the layout looks almost the same as ours! :D

I love the idea of having a partly open concept kitchen, as I felt kind of claustrophobic when I first look at the floor plan. Imagine having only a long straight pathway towards the service yard, having no communication with the living and dining area. Maybe to some families they prefer it to be enclosed because of the cooking part, but I guess I won't be doing the heavy cooking or frying :P

Dining area
The dining area layout will be slightly different from ours. I like the dining table combination, 1 bench and 2 Chairs. The bench will be much more space saving compared to a chair, because a chair needs more space at the back in order for a person to stand. But it all depends on your house layout, if our house area can afford the space for 4 chairs, of course I will go for 4 chairs :D Because it will be more comfortable! HAHA! :P

Now the last part, entrance! Scroll up to look at our floor plan again, we are going to cover the house-hold shelter door with build in shoe cabinet. The whole stretch will be our build in shoe cabinet, just like the one in the entrance image above. Look carefully on the right side of the image, you can see it is a build in cabinet. We can also cover the ugly house-hold shelter's door :X

We will constantly go down to the nearby HDB that is opposite our still under construction building to take a look at the progress. And we will scout around the neighborhood to know the area better, sound like kiasu Singaporean! HAHAHHA! Below are some of the images we took during the visits.

Vine Grove Project Under Construction

Look! They are building our level now! *Excited!

Night View

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