24hr, 3hr, 1hr reading

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Although we should gauge the haze pollution level via the 24hr or 3hr PSI reading, it might also be helpful to check out the hourly PM2.5 before you plan for any outdoor activity later in the day.

As extracted from NEA:

10. Between the new 24-hour PSI and the new 3-hour PSI, which one should I refer to when I want to plan my next       course of action?
To date, the vast majority of studies on the health effects of short-term exposure to PM have used the 24-hour measurements. These studies do indeed demonstrate good correlation of health effects with 24-hour PM averages. In view of this, the health advisory in Singapore takes reference from the 24-hour PSI.
Although there have been recent studies on sub-daily or shorter PM2.5 exposure, the evidence of these studies do not constitute a sufficient base of evidence for the development of health advisories.
People can use the 3-hour PSI or 1-hour PM2.5 concentration levels to make adjustments to their daily activities if they wish to do so. For example, if the 3-hour PSI is high, you may wish to postpone strenuous outdoor activities such as jogging.

Save this link below in your hp now to view the 1-hr PM2.5 readings!


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