Air Fryer Hacks!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Hello Hello people~ Don't you guys hate the haze?!!!!!!! I miss our clean, green and fine country! ARGHH!! But anyway, there is nothing we can do... haiz.. Except cursing.. :X

Okay Okay... Back to topic. I guess most of you guys own a Air Fryer at home right? No matter what kind of Air Fryer, there is 1 thing that irritates me when it comes to heating up my hashbrown. You can only place 3 pieces of the hashbrown at once! But I wanted to heat up 5 pieces, which means I have to waste my time and electricity to heat it twice.
While staring at the Air Fryer, something strikes me, the height of the Air Fryer holder is actually enough to stack another layer. But of course not directly on top of the other hashbrown, because the hashbrown will stick onto each other if you do that. So I went to dig out the metal stand that our mum usually used it for steaming the food! Anyway, I think it is difficult to imagine, just look at the pictures below and you will understand what I meant.

I have my PohPiah and Samosa stacked nicely.

I can even stack different food together!

Tah Dah!

SEE! It fit perfectly! And it really works! Instead of doing the job twice, I only need to do it once now! Go try it! I think the Air Fryer company should reward me for the hacks. LOL! :D Hope this Air Fryer hacks save your day too! Goodnight!

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